Gathering the Light
Whether we are collecting photons (particles of light) on a digital sensor or on film, the practice of photography (from the Greek, writing with light) at its most basic, is the photographer deciding where, when, and how they are literally Gathering the Light in order to present their subject. Photography isn’t about light and shadow, it’s about light, more or less.
Metaphorically, I like to consider the recording of a photographic image, as well as the collecting of photographs, as an opportunity to preserve and present these intersections of time and space in ways that no other artform can. In essence, regardless of the subject matter, there exists the capacity for photographic images to provide unique moments of light in our lives, the light of truth and beauty. Another way in which Gathering the Light applies to photography.
Given the above philosophy, I have adopted Gathering the Light as my mantra with respect to my photographic activities, both as a photographer and an image collector.